2.11. und 3.11. 2023
von 16–21 Uhr

Das ist die Gelegenheit,
um einen SKARSKY zu ergattern!
Open House bei SKARSKY
Wir ziehen um. Die SKARSKYs bleiben hier.
Ihr kommt vorbei und verbringt einen oder gleich zwei wunderbare Abende umgeben von toller Kunst, mit netten Leuten und nehmt einen oder mehrer SKARSKYs mit heim!!
Was gibt es besseres?
Bezahlt wird nach dem Motto:
Pay what you wish
(bar oder per PayPal)
A beautiful art work found it’s home
One of my biggest fans just recently acquired a new SKARSKY. “Ultrasound small” is its title. Quite a wonderful piece. Powerful, balanced colorful and can stand alone quite wonderfully.

New commissioned work recently completed
A new commissioned work has been completed. At the October exhibition in the ice cream store, my customers fell in love with a picture that unfortunately did not have the right format for their living room. So it became a commissioned work. …

“Sitting beauty in red” amidst wonderful works of art
Just recently I delivered an artwork to a friend who already has some SKARSKYs. How nice to see how the different artworks complement each other so wonderfully. So I saw “Sitting beauty” sitting quite happily between a “Jörg von Kita-Kittel” and an “Ahmed Fouda”. My heart is beating faster 🙂

Squares are online
27 Squares are online. At the last show in November we finally photographed all the squares. See for yourself how adorable they turned out.